Simple Support

Talk to live, friendly people who know publishing as well as they know SimpleCirc

At SimpleCirc we strive each and every day to make our software simpler to use, but that doesn't mean you won't have questions.

That's why we pride ourselves on having the best customer support in the entire industry. After all, it's our mission to help publishers succeed.

Our unmatched customer support starts from the beginning, and better yet, it's FREE! We will help you with every step of making the switch to SimpleCirc. We can help get your data out of your old system. We will then import your data for you and make sure it is perfect. And finally, we'll help you get everything set up so you can hit the ground running.

While you won't need much training, we can also help train you and your staff.

And we will always be standing by for any questions you have. Email us or call us, and you will always get friendly, knowledgeable support from people who know publishing as well as they know SimpleCirc!

Ready to simplify your circ?

Explore the power of SimpleCirc yourself.

Take our 60-second quiz to find out if SimpleCirc is perfect for your publication.

In just minutes, we can show you around, answer all your questions, and help determine if SimpleCirc is right for you.

We're standing by.